
Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Answer to Atheism: Part 4

The following article is part four of a six-part 
series written in response to Bertrand Russell's  
"Why I Am Not a Christian." 

For reference, I have included a link to his essay 
at the bottom of each article.

As for Mr. Russell’s statement that religion “retards progress,” I would challenge him—and anyone who follows his reasoning—to review the history of humanitarianism, science, and social reform in the western world. 
In the first century AD, It was the church that founded many of the earliest hospitals and orphanages, in a time and culture where it was considered an act of mercy to let the less fortunate starve to death.
In the middle ages, it was the church that started the schools and universities that sparked the Renaissance. The monks and priests of the Catholic Church were the first Western Academics. They paved the way for logic and reasonthe very foundations of modern science. They were the ones who recorded our histories; translating them from Greek and Latin texts. They were the first inventors, creating and perfecting revolutionary devices like the water wheel, mechanical clock, blast furnace, and eyeglasses. Without the church, we would not have had the Renaissances. And without Christian Universities, we would not have western science.
Furthermore, many of the ideals we value most, stem directly from Christianity. If it weren’t for our biblical values, we would not have the sociopolitical freedoms we enjoy today. Most notably: The Abolition of Slavery. (The United States of America is the only country in history to fight a war specifically to end slavery.)
If it weren't for the Christian belief that all men are equal before God, we would not have seen the shift in political ideals that lead to the signing of the Magna Carta and the American Declaration of Independence.
While it is true that some religions may retard progress; genuine Christianity isn’t a religion—it’s a relationship with God. Christianity does not “retard progress.” In fact one could argue that Christianity actually facilitates progress. If one chooses to believe the historical evidence, that is.
I could go on and on about this, since it is such a broad subject. But in the interest of saving time and ink, I will simply say that Mr. Russell’s information is once again fictitious and does not hold up under close examination of the historical facts.

(If you are interested in learning more about the Bible’s place in history I highly recommend reading "The Book That Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civilization" by Vishal Mangalwadi. It’s an excellent read and very thought provoking from an intellectual standpoint.) 

                 Continued in: The Answer to Atheism: Part 5

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