
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Debunked: Jesus vs. Krishna



1) Born of a virgin. Was not conceived through sexual intercourse. (Matthew 1:18-25)

2) Born in a cave/stable. Was placed in a manger. His birth was heralded by angels and a star in the east. He was visited by magi and a group of shepherds and was taken to Egypt when his parents fled from Herod the Great, fulfilling Old Testament Prophecy. (Hosea 11:1Matthew 2:13-15)

3) Jesus was God made flesh. He therefore had all of the qualities and devine attributes of God. (John 1:1-514)

4) Was a child teacher in the Temple at age twelve. (Luke 2:41-52)

 Jesus had twelve male disciples and multiple other followers including women. However, the scriptures say that there was not anything specifically attractive about him. (Isaiah 53:2)

6) Jesus was never married, and died without heirs. (Isaiah 53:8)

7)  Jesus had a three year ministry as a traveling teacher. He lived a sinless life and taught others to follow his example of moral excellence. (Ephesians 5:1-14)

8) Jesus performed many miracles during his earthly ministry. He healed the sick, raised the dead, walked on water, and calmed storms. Jesus also fed thousands of people with a handful of fish and loaves on two separate occasions and cast out demons by his word alone. (Luke 4:31-36Mark 5:1-17)

9) Was crucified between two criminals. (Matthew 27:32-56Luke 23:26-49)

10) Defeated death and the grave by rising from the dead. (1 Corinthians 15:55-57)

11) Died sacrificially in order to fulfill Old Testament Prophecy and the requirements of the Law of Moses for the redemption of mankind. He was the "Lamb of God," an atoning sacrifice to take away the sins of the world by taking that sin upon himself. (John 1:29-303:16-212 Corinthians 5:21Hebrews 8-10)


1)  Was conceived through sexual intercourse between king Vasudeva of the Yadava clan and his wife, Devaki. Krishna was also their eighth child. Ergo: Krishna was not born of a virgin.

2) There are no nativity elements in the Krishna narrative. However, Krishna's evil uncle Kamsa did conspire to kill the newborn after he learned from a fortune teller that his sitter's eighth child would kill him. Krishna was rescued from death by Vasudeva who secretly exchanged the baby for the child of a cowherd and his wife. The cowherd and his wife then raised the infant Krishna as their own. Later, the child who had been substituted for Krishna appeared to king Kamsa as the Hindu goddess Durga and warned him that his death was imminent and his kingdom would be overthrown.

3) Krishna was the eighth avatar (incarnation) of the supreme god, Vishnu. In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna states that he existed before any of the other gods; that he created all of the universe, and that all of the universe exists in him. 

4) Krishna was never a child teacher. He was, however, a very mischievous child who loved to play pranks on others. He was also a thief in most accounts, who loved to steal butter and milk. As a youth, Krishna became a cow herder and was a protector of his people.

5) Krishna did not have twelve disciples. That said, he was very attractive to those around him and had many admirers. (His name literally means "the all-attractive-one")

6) Krishna had at least eight wives, each of whom embodied a different divine aspect of himself. That said, some legends state that he had as many as 16,108 wives and 180,000 sons. He was also the enchanter and playful lover of the gopis (Milkmaids) in his village. 

7) Krishna did not have a specific ministry. Likewise, he did not live a sinless life or teach anything about salvation, redemption, or repentance from sin. Instead, Krishna taught that the spirit is eternal, having neither a beginning or end, and that those devoted to him should abandon material attachment without forsaking their eternal love for one another or their responsibility in dharma. (The principle of cosmic order) He also taught that true peace, eternal bliss, and inner liberation could be attained through different types of yoga and inward meditation leading to enlightenment.

8) Krishna performed many miracles and other great feats in his lifetime. Two of the most noteworthy miracles associated with Krishna are when he parted a raging river as an infant to allow his father to cross to the other side, and when he lifted the mountain Govardhana to save a village from a flood. He also slew many monsters and demons in battle. 

9) Krishna was slain by an arrow when a hunter mistook him for a deer and accidentally shot him through the heel. Mortally wounded, Krishna forgave the man who killed him and died with a smile on his face as his spirit ascended to Goloka. (Paradise)   

10) Krishna did not rise from the dead, nor did he defeat death and the grave. Instead, Krishna restored order to the world by killing his uncle, king Kamsa. He also aided in the defeat of the evil Karurava family by advising Arjuna, one of the leaders of the rival Pandava family, during the climactic battle of the Kurukshetra War

11) Krishna did not die sacrificially for anyone. Instead, he died because of a curse placed on him by a woman named Gandhari, who blamed Krishna for the death of her family in the Kurukshetra War.  


Jesus Christ is not based on Krishna.

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Myth Encyclopedia

Ancient History: Krishna

See Also:

Mythology and the Messiah

Debunked: Jesus vs. Dionysus

Debunked: Jesus vs. Horus

Debunked: Jesus vs. Mithras

Debunked: Jesus vs. Asclepius

Debunked: Jesus vs. Orpheus

The Dying and Rising God: Jesus or Osiris?

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